Today I went to see my therapist. I told him about how the doctors are behaving; focusing on mental health only and not really seeing my physical issues. Finally I got some validation from someone within Swedish healthcare. We talked back and forth about low cortisol and adrenal glands. He gave me some advice I could try out, basically telling me to "give up" on Swedish health care. That I need to "fight on my own" or find a practitioner abroad. He however recommended taking vitamin D together with K2. I have never tried that, actually. But yeah, me and supplements. I get shivers just by hearing that. I still have an unopened bottle of zinc as well as Omega 3 I still have not tried.. due to all these bad reactions to all I try. Oh well. Need to get it overwidth otherwise I cannot find supplements that will help me.
However, he told me I do not have any diagnoses other than possibly some anxiety connected to the future; that I am scared of what will come. He will set me up with a doctor to have a talk and once and for all remove these diagnoses they have put on me. Unfortunately I need to wait until august or so until I can get that meeting. But my therapist told that they are keen on "letting me go" so that other clients can get therapy. So this will be prioritized, yey.
I also tried to gather some energy to make the adrenal coctail. Has anybody tried it? The ingredient Cream of tartar (called 'vinsten' in Swedish) seems impossible to get in Sweden. It needs to be ordered/found specially. I have found it here in Sweden but shipping is kind of expensive and I am never driving by the place. Oh well. I might exchange it to potassium chloride instead since cream of tartar is something made from yeast, which I am sensitive to (high in histamine = big no no). Apparently potassium chloride can be purchased here. I have not ordered it yet. Again, supplements make me anxious and sort of ruins my economy, hehe. I am buying lots of supplements which I cannot take due to reactions :/
Anyone tried the adrenal coctail, btw?
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