I have had eczema for a while now. I think it started in november 2017. I have tried all natural stuff for it, but nothing helps. I found some cortisone cream at home I tried on and got some really bad reaction to it. My symptoms got worse. First I got insomnia, stress, anxiety, panic, dizzyness etc. I though I was gonna sleep it off. Nope, it was still there days and weeks after.
I called my health care center and they told me that if I have dizzyness and palpations, I should seek emergency care since it can be thrombosis. Ok, well, not much to do. I was at the train and the nurse on the phone told me to get off NOW this instant and call 112 (911 in Sweden). I thought that was maaaaybe a little too extreme so I tried to calm down on the train from work and went immediately to the emergency.
They took me in and I talked to them but they did not perform any tests. They just told me to go to the evening health care instead. So I did. There was a huuuuuuuuge line. Lots of people coming from emergency, being told to go to the evening health care instead.
First I met a nurse who did not want to take me in. She told me the same, "if I have dizzyness and palpations, I should seek emergency care since it can be thrombosis". Yeah yeah, I have heard that one before. I stayed in the waiting room and finally they took me in. They did some checkups and told me I was "probably fine". They could not guarantee anything of course, since they could not perform proper testing there.
The doctor I met told me some people get that reaction from cortisone cream. She also told I need to be examinated properly why I reacted this way, but it must be done on a regular health care center. She told me that she will send them a referral and I will call them and start this examination.
Will see how that goes..