Tuesday, August 20, 2019

One year has passed..

Whoa, one year has passed. I have felt very very bad the last year. I have been struggling so much and lots of things has happened:

  • Death of two dear friends = lots of stress
  • Tried out EMDR for trauma work = lots of stress
  • Found a endocrinologist which I thought could help me, which instead turned into a fight when I started to ask questions (such a unprofessional doctor!) = lots of stress
  • Found a naturopath who has found out I have Pyroluria = lots of relief that I finally know what's wrong with me, but stress regarding how to heal it
  • Boyfriend moved in with me = lots of love but also a bit stressful when things in every day life changes and all this "who's going to do the dishes" yada yada and lots of old trauma coming up to life from previous relationships
  • Found out for sure I am HSP; highly sensitive person. Trying to cope with that. Slowly feeling better regarding that. I am who I am <3 
  • Found a new therapist in January who really shook things up in a good way. But as always, I get worse during summer. Mental health does not take vacation like the therapists do.. 
  • Big re-organisation at work. Have had nothing really to do from August '18 until May '19
  • Started a new job position! Very very glad in the beginning, then almost killing myself with bad and negative thoughts and stressing myself out. But! I am having the best colleagues and manager! <3
  • New levels of fatigue :( 
  • New levels of depression :( 
  • As of today, starting the GAPS diet to heal my gut. Let's see how it goes!
  • Still not a single comment on this blog :( Should I shut it down? 
  • But hey! This is my first published photo on this blog: 
